Wednesday, April 9, 2008



Dear Clients and Friends,

In this newsletter I am excited to offer you my latest practice updates and interesting health findings from around the web. Below you will find exceprts to links on interesting health-related articles as well as any new developments in my own Rolfing ® practice. I will send out a newsletter every 4-6 weeks.


Greg Brynelson Certified Rolfer ®, Registered Nurse

P.S. To unsubscribe simply send me an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject.

Greg’s News:

I will be participating in the 7th Annual New Living Expo, April 25-27, at the Concourse Exhibition Center near 8th and Brannan


Did you enjoy Rolfing® with me? Would you recommend others? Please visit and place an online review of my practice!


Brazilian Rolfer Pedro Prado opens a website with numerous articles written by and for Rolfers. All free to the public. Visit:

One Friend to Another:
“I’ve found that there are times in a person’s spiritual journey when prescription drugs are entirely appropriate.”
by Barbara Smaller

Interesting Articles:

What Science Can Teach us About Flexibility
By Fernando Ruiz

Even if you're active, your body will dehydrate and stiffen with age. By the time you become an adult, your tissues have lost about 15 percent of their moisture content, becoming less supple and more prone to injury. Your muscle fibers have begun to adhere to each other, developing cellular cross-links that prevent parallel fibers from moving independently. Slowly our elastic fibers get bound up with collagenous connective tissue and become more and more unyielding. This normal aging of tissues is distressingly similar to the process that turns animal hides into leather. Unless we stretch, we dry up and tan! Stretching slows this process of dehydration by stimulating the production of tissue lubricants. It pulls the interwoven cellular cross-links apart and helps muscles rebuild with healthy parallel cellular structure.

For the entire article visit:

Flip Your Memory Switch
Social connection keeps your brain sharp and your memory strong
By Julian Kesner

Chatting with a friend doesn't just catch you up on gossip--it may also strengthen your mind, found a new University of Michigan study. Before taking cognitive tests, 76 participants prepped for 10 minutes in one of three ways: They chatted socially in pairs, completed reading exercises, or watched a clip from Seinfeld. Surprisingly, the schmoozers did just as well on tests as those who worked out their brains (the TV viewers were a distant third). At the very least, make a phone call or two before you turn on the tube at night.